I have never been a person who keeps a diary. As a child, there were a few occasions where I attempted diary writing. It was one of those spur of the moment thing where I only did it because I heard some of my buddies at school having one. So that I don’t feel left out, I started one but never had the commitment to keep it going.
Other times, it was because I saw it on the TV where the leading character was keeping one and it felt like a “sensible” thing to do. Again, it led to nowhere….once the show is finished my journey of diary writing ended too. Like the saying, the novelty has worn off.
Later in life, to be specific after I had my first child, I once again attempted to keep a diary or as I would rather called it a journal. I wasn’t exactly prepared for this “task”. I didn’t even have a proper diary/journal to write on. I was not only unprepared for this task I was also quite unorganised.
As you can see on this pic here, I started recording on a very ordinary note pad which happened to be lying around the house at the time. Ordinarily, I would think people have a rather special or fancy looking diary or journal to record such wonderfully special and momentous moments or events in their life. Hey, but not me. When the pages ran out on the note pad I resorted to using just plain ruled pad.
Now, most of the pages from the ruled pad are coming off the pad and out of sequence. Imagine, having put the loose pages back in order. That would be a task in itself!!!
Recently, I have discovered the world of blogging. I know, I know, I am a bit late with my discovery but I thought blogging would be a good substitute of my note pads and ruled pads. At least, everything is in one place and organised with the possibility to do a “Search” too.
Voila, here’s the birth of my blog……………………...which will record many “first” from my precious and dearest kids, our journey of life as a family, milestones and whatever else that comes to mind.
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